Tower Inc.

A Random Event Production

Metapsychic Abilities

Metapsychic abilities were roughly divided into six categories.

Creativity is the ability to manipulate energy, ranging from creating simple illusions (manipulating light and sound), to the most powerful who were able to enact permanent changes on the world around them (creating and changing physical objects through the manipulation of sub-atomic forces).

Telekinesis is the ability to physically move objects through space without physical contact.

Telepathy covered all forms of mental communication, including sight, sound, taste, touch and smell.

Teleportation existed in two different forms. The more common version allowed individuals to transport themselves instantly to any location there were sufficiently familiar with. The second, rarer version, allowed the creation of gateways or portals between two locations, allowing travel between while the creator held the gate open. All Metapsychics who use Teleportation for commercial means are members of the ‘Porters Guild.

Redaction covers all forms of mental healing. In addition to healing mental and psychological trauma, it can also be used to greatly increase the speed of physical healing. Many Redaction specialists also possess formal medical training, and those who don’t will at the very least keep up to date with first aid and related certification to assist in their endeavours.

The sixth and final category, Foresight, is recognised but very sparsely understood, as it has yet proved impossible to consciously control, and as a result has not been studied to the great extent of the other categories.


Each of the five main areas are measured on the Metapsychic Strength Power Scale (MSPS). While technically all living beings possess all of the Metapsychic abilities, those abilities need to have a MSPS rating of greater than zero to actually be usable.

The MSPS is a non-linear scale, with a rating of 0 being minimum required for use, a rating of 10 being 10 times more powerful than 0, 20 being 10 times more powerful than 10, etc. Master level is considered 20 or greater, Grand Master 30 or greater, and Paramount 50 or greater.

The MSPS also makes a distinction between Operant and Latent Metapsychic powers. Operant powers are ones that the person has concious control over, while Latent powers exist but are not controllable. Metapsychic abilities must be Operant to be considered Master, Grand Master or Paramount.

Adult Content:
MA - Adult Themes
Genre Knowledge:
Rules Knowledge:
NA - All rules provided

Currently scheduled for Conquest 2010.